Greta Whittenberg
My design career began in a downtown high-rise. During those first few years of the light rail and high heels, I was burning the midnight oil as a freelancer and couldn’t help but realize how much more of a positive, personal impact I was making in the hours between my nine-to-five job.
When my fiancé—now husband, David—proposed the idea of quitting corporate on a Wednesday, getting married on a Saturday, and pursuing my passion, I couldn’t say no. Now, with over seven years of design experience in the rear-view mirror, I can’t imagine a better opportunity to truly impact the people around me and help them improve their businesses.
Creativ Endeavor’s focus is the Twin Cities’ housing industry. By providing websites, brand identity and marketing materials, my husband and I have the mission to make sure our clients’ hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. No contracts. No unnecessary add-ons. Just good, honest help for builders, remodelers, home inspectors, interior designers, property managers, and everyone in between.

David Whittenberg
I founded Creativ Endeavor with my wife in 2018 with a vision of not letting our clients’ hard work go unnoticed. I realized that people build amazing products and provide exceptional services every day and they are often not recognized. Through Creativ Endeavor, I wanted to make sure that we could at least make these products and services look just as good online and in print as they do in person.
Prior to joining Creativ Endeavor, I spent 6 and half years as a project manager and engineer for a utility company in the Twin Cities. Through these roles, I learned the importance of great communication, and I excelled in delivering projects on time and within budget. I make sure to carry these skills of exceptional communication and on-time and within-cost project execution through all of our projects.
I look forward to collaborating with you and ensuring your work looks just as good online and in print as it does in-person.
Skill set
What We Bring to the Table
Industry Expertise
Face-to-face Interaction
Impeccable Customer Service
Adobe Creative Suite
You Are Our No. 1 Priority
While we love design in itself, providing solutions to the problems our clients bring to us is one of the most satisfying things design has enabled us to do.
We look forward to designing for anyone who desires a quality brand identity, graphic, or website with an emphasis on impeccable customer service. The question is, is that you?
On a personal note
Colorado peaches every August.